State of the Nets

I apologize for the absolutley F'd up format this post is going to be in (fixed)...I'm writing this from a type of wood crank computer so gimme a break.
The talks of all types of changes are swirling in Net's land after another loss last night at the hand of the Mavs and rediculously poor shooting. Al Iannazzone talks of some of these changes in his article today. One of the things he mentions is that Thorn is unwilling to give up a first unless it is possibly for Chris Wilcox.
Al says the main reason the brass is so unwilling to give up these first rounders is because they are very valuable trade pieces that can be used to get something better in the Vince (t)rade...where two first rounders were used. At this point these are the options Thorn has to save this sinking team.
1.) Don't jump to conclusions. The Nets have started badly in the past four seasons...why should this one be any different. If we are refferencing history...the boys should turn it around in about the next two weeks heading into the Christmas holiday.
2.) A few tweaks need to be made. Let go of the first rounder if Wilcox is a available...Collins on the floor is 4 on 5 offense... not good. Wilcox could be the pick-roll athletic forward Kidd has been missing.
3.) Make a coaching many bad start...good rest of the seson...mediocre playoff years can this team have before a change is made. (I am not in favor of this...but a shakeup needs to be made,,,where it is made is up to he head honchos.) I don't like any of the candidates they would bring in...I stay stick with Frank. These are he kind of players you can tell may not deal well with a totally different style coach comming in.
4.) Go big. Pick out the pieces on the team that are felt to be "expendable" and see what is out there. My list of "expendables" depending on what would come in return would be Nachbar, Collins, Wright, Cliff (AARP benefits are attractive), McInnis (guys who go nuts on the bench are attractive...right?)...for these guys we would get a mid level power addition to whatever fillers Thorn could squeez.
Go really big. Marcus Williams and Richard Jefferson. I feel these are the most expendable really valuable pieces the team carries. What these guys coupled with some of those other guys could get you I'm not sure. I don't stock the real gm trade checker, but I think they could bring back something really quality. Could some combo of them and draft picks land you KG type forward? I don't think so...a disgruntled KG type forward...maybe.
Of course KG is the cream of the crop...but anythign in his range would be friggin redic'. It makes us a championship contender in everyone's eyes...not just ours. And usually when the media talks about you in that light...they are right. We always bash ESPN for bitching our casa but have we reall been a contender since K-mart left? No.
Now that leaves us short of a Sf...unless we get one back in a deal as well...can Write start if he stays? Who knows...he looks awfully shakey right now. But a lineup with Kidd, Vince and a top power forward with Curly would turn alot of heads...and bring a much needed shakeup to the orginization.
I'l end this marathon by saying that when Vince came in, he brought an unreal amount of energy to everything having to do with this team. I think they are needing another boost of new's just what the brass thinks is the right way to go about bringing this energy. If things don't shapeup soon...look for another holiday present from the nice folks in the front office.
UPDATE: I would not trade Marcus Williams. He is showing too much promise now.
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