Set Shot Willy...on his way out?

Peter Vescey has reported that the Nets have offered Jason Collins and a second round pick to the Portland Trailblazers for Jamaal Magloire. The only problem is that Portland wants a first round pick. Vescey also reported that the Nets may have interest in Brendan Haywood of the Washington Wizards.
It would be sad to see Collins traded away to Portland, he's a great guy, he'd be going to Portland (yeesh), he's one of the best defensive centers in the league, he has an uncanny deep voice, and his departure would put an end to one of Marc Jackson's best nicknames..."Set Shot Willy!"
That being said, I think this would be a good deal for the Nets. Let's not forget that Magloire is a former all-star, and an athletic power forward. Isn't that what we Nets fans have always wanted since K-Mart left town (forgetting to bring his knees with him)?
It will be interesting to see in the next couple days if Portland gets what they want (a first rounder), because if you follow the Nets possible transactions, you know the nothing irks Thorn and Stefanski more than having to give up a first rounder. This deal could be the exception as we all ready have a great deal of youth to produce with four rookies this year.
Last Night: The Nets finally look to have fixed their offensive problems, with everybody getting in on the action. Of course Vince put the big number up with 41, but only on 22 shots, which shows that his points were in the flow of the offense, allowing everyone else their desired touches as well.
Next game is Dallas at home, they have to lose sometime right? It's just not natural what their doing right now...
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