
Ok, not only do i find the need to put my worthless opinions on this sham of a site, I now find the need to put my uneducated predictions on here. No, I am not a TV analyst (if you have not already figured that out), but I can guarentee you I am smarter then Steve Kerr, Tim Legler, and a chimpanse (the human's closest relative) combined.
So, this has been a very mediocre strart to the NBA season. No one is that good, no one is that bad. You know it's a mediocre start to the season when that guy from the globe (with the annoting voice and white hair who often makes no sense) who subs in for Kornheiser is trying to tell me through the wonder of the television screen that the Jazz are the best team in the NBA. Excuse me, do you need help sir? Anyways, I'l use that almost related lead in to give you my NBA confrence final predictions. For the West you have the Lakers and the Rockets, and in the East you have the Cavs and Nets. What is the key to being such a genious you ask, I just think those teams look the best or have the most potential when completely healthy. Plus, it is more a case of who is not going to make it. The Heat won't make it for many reasons such as Riley should not have come back, they're older then the chinese food you found on the side of the road, and yet still ate (don't think I didn't see you), Shaq will be out for a while, hurting their chances of a higher seed, and they simply don't have good enough players. The Pistons, while a good team, have lost their edge without Ben Wallace, who seemd to forget to bring his edge to the Bulls with him as they continue to struggle. Could it be any easier to pick the Bulls to not be as good as everyone sayd... I mean, when Skip Bayless thinks you're're awful. The West is a toss up, but I just think Yao is a more agressive player now and the Rockets are healthy. The Lakers continued their good play at the end of last year into this year, as well as young Kobe from across the road finally learned how to share his toys with the other kiddies...good boy.
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