Rant Time

As I write this the Nets are about to lose for no good reason. They are about to lose only because of t he stupidity of the people on the floor. It is un-real the amount of times Vince has an amazing first quarter, like tonight for instance (17 points), and then all of a sudden his teamates don't give him a look until hes had enough time to considerably cool down. I mean honestly, every team in the league can grasp the concept, give the hot man the ball. How do you think Kobe scored 81 points in one game? It's almost like Vince's teamates have a locked point limit for him on the night that he can't get past, regardless of how well he starts off. Then, in the second half, everyone tries to blame him for "cooling off". That's crap. The only reason he cooled off is because his teamates are too worried about getting everyone involved. This isn't a 3rd grade rec league, not everyone needs to touch the ball before you can score. At first I thought, at least tonight, this travisty that happens way to often wouldn't cost the Nets the win, but I guess it is about time it bit them in the ass. Someone, Frank, I don't know, Vince himself, needs to tell the team to feed the guy who is on fire. It's not hard to figure out, it'l just be the guy who is constantly making shots. Seriously, if the Nets have real hopes of winning a championship, this needs to be addressed. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for team ball and the way J Kidd runs the show, but in special circumstances, such as tonight, when a player has 17 first quarter points, it is important to ride that player for all he is worth. Maybe then the Nets would'nt have ended up with a loss.
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