How has no one thought of this before!?

Seriously, how is this guy, the only guy (at least that I've seen) to mess with the camera while he's on the bench. Sure you always get that "Hi Mom!" crap and maybe an occasional "call me" signal, but you never see anything like this. Honestly, If I was on a college or pro football team, I would fake an injury at least once a half, just so they could do one of those sideline reports on me. The possibilities are endless. You can make uncanny cat death noises like that guy, or just start telling stories really loud about how you beat up a 537 pound black bear on the way to practice the other day, or suddenly have the entire team start calling you something completely different from what your real name is. Say your name is Fred, and your team proceeds to start calling you...Oh I don't know...Botswana Lunchbox...Chris Fowler will have no idea how to fake an explanation on why Fred with the twisted ankle is now being referred to as Botswana Lunchbox. The possibilities are endless. Thanks to Deadspin to bringing this trailblazer of a football player to my attention.
I know you are all wondering if the video is still funny after the 26th time through. I am proud to answer you with a defiant YES!, it is still funny. You're welcome.
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