Wait, you're kidding right?

So as I am watching the Celtic vs. Man U game on ESPN, I see on the bottem line that Justin Mornoe has won the AL MVP...WHAT!? Talk about adding insult to injury...not only did the Yankees blow out of the playoffs, but now Jeter doesn't win the MVP...great. Besides being seriously dissapointed...this is crap. It is just not being smart to say that there is a more valuable player in the AL to his team then Derek Jeter. Sure hes hookin up with Jessica Biel now, but that doesn't mean he can't win the MVP as well. I swear I looked it up in the rule book, no Biel rule. But back to why DJ is so valuable...look at that Yankees roster, what a bunch of overpayed bums with attitude issues... or in A-Rod's case...some sort of mental issue. How else does a team like the Yankees even make it through the season without someone being put to death without a captain like Derek Jeter. And yes, of course this article is bias as I am a Yankee fan, but seriously, it's not bias if you're flat out right.
Yes, I know I spelled "that guy who won the AL MVP who didn't desreve it one bit"'s name wrong, and I am going to leave it as is. That is because it is symbolic...like that literature stuff...for how he didn't deserve to win the MVP...He doesn't deserve my time to find out how his last name is spelled. Kinda like Shakespeare...am i right?
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