It's kinda like a sex change...only not so weird

from Bergen County
to Morris County
from I-287
back home...
this is North Jersey...
Yes, today marks the official death of He's Done It. But don't be sad, because recently some weird goth kid told me that death is the new life...whatever that means. In this case I guess it's I have decided to not kill my writings, but narrow them...or at least tell you I am narrowing them. The new name North Jersey, NY -, as I am going to focus more on a wonderful little place I like to call North Jersey.
This means I will also be focusing on NY, because we all know North Jersey and New York go together like "lamb and tuna fish", and we all root for too many of the same teams anyways. So prepare for some North Jersey/NY sports, with your occasional international soccer post, and your occasional Michael Irvin is out of his head type national sports ramblings. Let's mark this monumental date in history with some glorious information on New Jersey.
Ahh yes, an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to stereotypes and backhanded discriptions of North Jersey...this is North Jersey... We also have a wonderful aray of useless information on New Jersey as a whole...for instance...did you know that our state dinasour (you are flat out lying if you knew that there are such things as state dinasours) is the one and only Hadrosaurus interesting. Seriously, we have a state dinasour, but no state song...what does that say about our priorities here?...I have no clue. By the way, I'm actually considering posting more than only a couple days in a row with this one, so...get excited.
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