Pitching? Pitching is for pussies!
(Nobody fucks with El Indio)
The yanks don't need pitching. Pitching was not what was missing in the playoffs. Pitching is not what we need to bring the wierdist looking professional sports trophy back to the Bronx. What we need is to bring back the greatest yankee of all time - Ruben Sierra.

Seriously if Ruben ran things, we would'nt have a pitching staff. He'd say fuck pitching, you don't need pitching when you can hit a 450 ft homerun once out of a hundred at bats. Who needs pitching when you can swing as hard a humanly possible, and only manage a slow roller to third. Seriously, I'm sick of all these pussy Yankees.

Every last one of 'em is a pussy except for Jeets, Posada, and Ron Valone. Jeets isn't a pussy because he's bangin Jessica Biel, Posada isn't a pussy because he regularly pees on his hands instead of using batting gloves, and Ron Valone isn't a pussy because...well...look at the guy. I'd like to see you try and call Ron Valone a pussy...I'm not paying for your funeral.

We need to bring back my all time favorite Ruben Sierra and cut the pitching crap. Rueben is worth every penny for every one out of a hundred times he hits a mother 'effin bomb, produced by his 8,000 mph bat speed, followed by a cocky bastard bat flip, and a stare of doom and destruction for the rest of that pitcher's life. You're welcome Brian Cashman...pussy.
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