New York Giants: Season in Review
Today the Giants begin the NFL's "second season" against the hated Beagles. There has never been a term more true than "second season". The thing about the playoffs in any sport, especially the NFL, is that no one can say your team can't win it all. You are in the tournament for the prize and no one can say you don't have a shot.
So as the second season is about to begine let's look back at the top five most important stories of the Giants first season.
5. - Amani Toomer, out for the season. This had the biggest on the field impact as any of the stories you will see later in this list. Amani Toomer was clearly Eli's security blanket, and when he got injured, it was like Eli was thrown out into the real world for the first time. Go get 'em bucko...or not.
4. - The divided lockeroom. This season was all about controversy. One of the bigger ones was the enormous rift in the lockeroom dividing all kinds of different players and coaches. You had Strahan (not in my mind) "calling out" Plax, you had Shockey telling the media they were "out coached", and you had, what seemed to be, lost trust in the quarterback. This was the year of the controversy.
3. - Eli's struggles. For one reason or another, somewhere early in the season, even when the team looked good, Eli lost his confidence. Boom! Shot right in the heart. Soon enough, as would be expected, as the Giants losses piled up, Eli piled up backpage photos of him getting sacked. He has not looked confident to this day.
2. - Coughlin on the hot seat. I say the Giants have to win AT LEAST 2 playoff games for this guy to have a job again. It was getting so bad, fans were chanting "Bring back Fassel!". That is probably the most insulting thing that Giants fans could say to Tom Coughlin.
1. - Tiki's retirement. This was by far the biggest story of the first season. This was all over the papers for the better part of the first half of the season. Former NFL media types calling him dumb, and yet Tiki still rushed his ass off. For a hundred of those former running backs you see who can barley walk these days, we finally have one with a brain (notice the large noggin) and everybody is hating on him.
With all this, Tiki put together possibly his best game ever, in what could have been his last. He ran up and down all night on the Redskins and saved his retirement, and the Giant's season, for a later date.
Let's hope the Giants stay in this thing long enough so I can put together a second season list.
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