Morning/Afternoon Report

Ah yes, the lovely Meadowlands. Today I will be taking the trip there for the biggest game of the season up to date for the G-Men.
The Cowboy's win put a bit of a damper on the possibilities of the game, but hey, the playoffs are the playoffs. There is not much to say about this contest other than both teams are injury depleated and want to injure more players on the other team.
Even though the on field action is guarenteed to be of the things I love most about these games are when some sort of altercation breaks out a section over...and everybody stands...but no one knows what they are looking at...and then the men in yellow come to take the sorry soul away...and the place goes bananas. Entertaining stuff
Nets- After another loss, to another injury ridden team. This is getting old fast. Where is the 10 game win streak? Let's just say it is not comming...for now.
Thorn must be fealing the same way. Here is one article saying that if the Nets do not turn it round "this weak" then expect some rebuilding. I don't know what this guy's deffinition of rebuilding is, but I hope it is not the one I am thinking of.
Yankees- The hot stove is pretty cold as I write this. The only interesting tidbit I have heard (The Post) is this Melky deal for Pirates reliever Mike Gonzalez. Besides the fact that I find it a terrible decision to trade away someone who we are told over and over again to, in the future, contend for batting titles "throughout his carear", with power that "will come", it would be a shame to see all of those "got melky?" shirts leave the stadium.
Red Bull- Rumors have severely died down latley, except for Paulo Wanchope confirming contact with RBNY. Bruce Arena sure knows how to keep his stuff quiet...he is probably an absolute monster at Splinter Cell.
I'l stop right there, but later I will have a G-Men wrap up as well as sifting through the Red Bull rumor swamp.
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